𨑨迌咖啡工地現場9-天井塗鴉(下集) / Café Flâneur Live Construction Site 9 – Patio Graffiti Part 2


The patio’s graffiti is complete! Really thankful to ‘Pan Zai’ and his girlfriend ‘Milky’, who travelled from Kaohsiung to Tainan by motorcycle, not just once, but three times! After seeing the final result, it’s certainly better than I imagined. From a patio that was dark and gloomy, covered by a metal roof, it now has a new look.


Last time ‘Pan Zai’ spray painted Léon and Matilda from the classic movie “The Professional: Léon, but this time, the size of the painting is much larger as it consists of London’s most famous double decker Routemaster red bus. What is more incredible is that every stroke on this wall is hand painted!  However, before the painting could start, the measurements of the wall itself had to be recorded and matched with the picture on the computer. With the proportions of the bus sorted, the base picture was super-imposed onto the wall, and then the larger areas were painted with a full sized brush.  Afterwards, the outline, the color gradient and the finer details were completed with a smaller brush. The final touch entailed spray painting the advertising and text onto the body of the bus. The bus from my mind has finally materialized in the patio of Café Flâneur!

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