𨑨迌咖啡工地現場6-倒帶3-長高的吧台 / Café Flâneur Live Construction Site 6 – Backtrack 3 – The bar that got taller

當初在規劃吧台位置的時候,幾經考量,決定把吧台設在沒水、沒插頭的第二進平房。遇到的最大難題是給水和排水的水管要怎麼鋪設?因為不想破壞美麗的磨石子地板,所以捨埋管而採明管施做。問題是以後在吧台煮咖啡走動的時候總不能要跟地上的水管跳竹竿舞吧?解決的辦法就是把吧台用木架子墊高,而這樣冰箱、流裡台也都要墊高了。所幸水電工班不只會做水電,還會泥作,竟然用磚頭讓我的冰箱、流理台長高了,不愧是水電的藝術家。火燒磚吧台面、阿母和我一起到嘉義購買的流理台、尋訪不下十家餐飲設備行才找到符合需求規格的二手工作台冰箱,看著他們團聚的模樣,套句水電師傅董哥說的: 安ㄋㄟ麻卡五形嘎逼ㄊㄧㄣ!

When initially planning the position of the bar, there were several considerations, but eventually decided to set it at a room with no plumbing or plugs. My biggest problem was how to provide and drain water to and from the bar.  As I didn’t want to destroy the beautiful terrazzo floor, I could only lay the many pipes on the floor. However, I can’t make coffee and jump over the pipes at the same time, could I?  So the solution was to raise the bar by putting a wooden platform underneath, thus covering the pipes. This meant that the heavy fridge and basins also had to be raised. Fortunately the plumbers and electricians also knew cement work, so they used bricks as the base for the fridge and basin. Behind the fired-brick bar was supposed to be the basin. My mother and I travelled to Chiayi to buy the basins and searched at least ten restaurant equipment brokers until we found a used basin that matched our criteria. With the fired-brick bar and the basins in position, the place now looks like a café!

